Skillshare <span class="divider">/</span> Senior Fullstack Engineer
<ul class="job-description"> <li> Use Frontend technologies such as NextJS to build UI components with SSR, CSR and SSG and connect those with backend microservices using GraphQL as the default protocol of communication. </li> <li> Create and maintain several backend microservices using NestJS, GraphQL and PostgreSQL databases. </li> <li> Use Jest to write unit and integration testing for the microservices and the UI components. Use Storybooks to display and test UI components. </li> <li> Create and maintain different applications using several AWS services such as Lambda functions, AppSync, EventBridge, Etc. </li> <li> Maintain and migrate PHP monolith built with Laravel and Backbone with React to the new microservices infrastructure and the new NextJS UI. </li> </ul>